As the skies turn red and the planet trembles, Japan stands on the brink of disaster. However, a determined teenager named Suzume sets out on a mission to save her country. Able to see supernatural forces that others cannot, it's up to her to close the mysterious doors that are spreading chaos across the land. A perilous journey awaits as the fate of Japan rests on her shoulders.

Please note: Starting Friday, April 23, all screenings of Suzume will be presented in the Japanese dub with English subtitles.

Bring your Suzume ticket stub to Aiko's food truck, and receive $1 off your bill!
Cast: Nanoka Hara, Hokuto Matsumura
Director: Matoko Shinkai
Written by: Matoko Shinkai
Duration: 122 min
Released: 2023
Genre: Drama/Science Fiction
Original Language: Japanese
Subtitles: Subtitled
Country: Japan