Get your sweetie a big screen Valentine! Roxy Valentines are available until February 7

Every ten years since 1952, the venerable magazine Sight & Sound polls filmmakers and critics for their lists of the best movies ever made, creating an ever-evolving canon. In 2022, the list arrived once again, generating conversation and controversy throughout the world. This January, the Roxy is proud to present 15 of the 100 greatest films of all time--Selections from the 2022 Sight & Sound List.

The line-up: 

Wednesday, January 4: PERSONA (#18, sponsored by The Wren)
Thursday, January 5: THE RULES OF THE GAME (#13)
Saturday, January 7: BLADE RUNNER (#54)
Sunday, January 8: VERTIGO (#2, Essential Cinema) 
Wednesday, January 11: DAUGHTERS OF THE DUST (#60, sponsored by The Wren)
Thursday, January 12: MY NEIGHBOR TOTORO (#72, Persistence of Vision: Animated Masterworks, sponsored by Flippers)
Saturday, January 14: DAISIES (#28)
Wednesday, January 18: RASHOMON (#41, sponsored by The Wren)
Thursday, January 19: BEAU TRAVAIL (#7, MTFF Presents) 
Saturday, January 21: SINGIN' IN THE RAIN (#10)
Sunday, January 22: JEANNE DIELMAN (#1, Cinema Abroad, sponsored by Clyde Coffee)
Wednesday, January 25 IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE (#5, in 35mm, sponsored by The Wren) 
Thursday, January 26: MAN WITH A MOVIE CAMERA (#9, with live accompaniment from Travis Yost)
Saturday, January 28: THE NIGHT OF THE HUNTER (#25)
Monday, January 30: SOME LIKE IT HOT (#38, Out at the Roxy, Sponsored by Golden Yolk Griddle)

RASHOMON: A riveting psychological thriller that investigates the nature of truth and the meaning of justice, Rashomon is widely considered one of the greatest films ever made. Four people give different accounts of a man’s murder and the rape of his wife, which director Akira Kurosawa presents with striking imagery and an ingenious use of flashbacks. This eloquent masterwork and international sensation revolutionized film language and introduced Japanese cinema—and a commanding new star by the name of Toshiro Mifune—to the Western world.
Cast: Toshiro Mifune, Machiko Kyo, Takashi Shimura, Masayuki Mori
Director: Akira Kurosawa
Duration: 88 min
Released: 1950
Genre: Drama
Original Language: Japanese
Subtitles: Subtitled
Country: Japan