Living is the story of an ordinary man, reduced by years of oppressive office routine to a shadow existence, who at the eleventh hour makes a supreme effort to turn his dull life into something wonderful. Rodney, a veteran civil servant receives a medical diagnosis that inspires him to move to the south coast and cram some fun into his remaining days. He meets a sunny young female colleague who seems to have the vitality that had previously escaped him. Written by Nobel laureate Kazuo Ishiguro, and modeled off Akira Kurosawa's masterpiece Ikiru, Living is nominated for two Academy Awards: Best Lead Actor - Bill Nighy, and Best Adapted Screenplay.

The last screening Mondays, the first screening Tuesdays, and weekend matinees will provide Open Captioning.
Cast: Bill Nighy, Aimee Lou Wood, Alex Sharp
Director: Oliver Hermanus
Written by: Kazuo Ishiguro
Rated: PG-13
Duration: 102 min
Released: 2023
Genre: Drama
Country: UK