Infusion: A full-bodied comedic take on this world and the next - featuring fermented fancies from interdependent voices infused with truth, power and laughter.
This is an aspirationally decolonial comedy show. We’re dreaming new worlds - vulnerable, truthful, bold new ways of being - and expressing them through physicality, props, and other art forms. We want this spotlight to create more room for interdependence, equity, empathy, and connection among our performers and our audience.
We are excited to present a lineup of local performers with a wide range of talents - including Heidi J., Casey Chapman, Charlotte Macorn, Michael Beers, Duane Raider, Stephen Millhouse, Freya Halland, Thomas McClure, and James Johnson. The lineup covers a wide range of ages and backgrounds, and we’re collaborating and encouraging a decentralized decision-making and feedback process for crafting our performances.
Please consider your level of monetary privilege when purchasing tickets to support the work of the artists, as we currently DO NOT live in an equitable system. We are offering a lower ticket price for low-income folks and fellow artists. To support this, we humbly request that you pay a higher amount if you have the means. Thank you for your consideration and generosity!
Duration: 120 min