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In 1989, an animated sitcom about a suburban family and their small town debuted, changing television--and American culture--forever. One of the keys to that show's influence? Extended parodies of some of the most iconic films ever made. As a tribute to that beloved show, The Roxy is proud to present Cinema Springfield: You May Remember Such Films As... a weekly series of those movies, each of them followed by a very special epilogue, all through July and August.

Copyright infringement? No, fair use!

Based on the play by Tennessee Williams, this renowned drama follows troubled former schoolteacher Blanche DuBois (Vivien Leigh) as she leaves small-town Mississippi and moves in with her sister, Stella Kowalski (Kim Hunter), and her husband, Stanley (Marlon Brando), in New Orleans. Blanche's flirtatious Southern-belle presence causes problems for Stella and Stanley, who already have a volatile relationship, leading to even greater conflict in the Kowalski household.

Presented in 35mm!

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Cast: Vivien Leigh, Marlon Brando, Kim Hunter, Karl Malden
Director: Elia Kazan
Written by: Tennessee Williams
Duration: 125 min
Released: 1951
Genre: Drama
A Streetcar Named Desire in 35mm