The World View Film series, hosted by Global & Cultural Affairs in ARTS Missoula, is back at the Roxy Theater this fall, featuring four comedies from around the world: "Cultures Laughing." All screenings are free.

Jacques Tati’s gloriously choreographed, nearly wordless comedies about confusion in an age of high technology reached their apotheosis with Playtime. For this monumental achievement, a nearly three-year-long, bank-breaking production, Tati again thrust the lovably old-fashioned Monsieur Hulot, along with a host of other lost souls, into a baffling modern world, this time Paris. With every inch of its superwide frame crammed with hilarity and inventiveness, Playtime is a lasting record of a modern era tiptoeing on the edge of oblivion.

Cast: Georges Montant
Director: Jacques Tati
Rated: NR
Duration: 124 min
Released: 1973
Genre: Comedy
Original Language: French
Subtitles: Subtitled
Country: France