Clyde Coffee
This September, the Roxy celebrates its 10th anniversary as Missoula's Community Cinema with a month of special screenings and events. We also asked our patrons to vote for their favorite film from each year of our operation, and now we're proud to offer the exciting--and very well-curated--series:
The Roxy at 10: Celebrating a Decade of Missoula's Community Cinema
September 2: HER (2013)
September 6: THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL (2014)
September 9: MAD MAX: FURY ROAD (2015)
September 13: MOONLIGHT (2016)
September 16: GET OUT (2017)
September 20: HEREDITARY (2018)
September 24: PARASITE (2019) -- Cinema Abroad, sponsored by Clyde Coffee
September 27: BARB AND STAR GO TO VISTA DEL MAR (2020)
September 28: LICORICE PIZZA (2021)
Parasite: A zeitgeist-defining sensation that distilled a global reckoning over class inequality into a tour de force of pop-cinema subversion, Bong Joon Ho’s genre-scrambling black-comic thriller confirms his status as one of the world’s foremost filmmakers. Two families in Seoul—one barely scraping by in a dank semibasement in a low-lying neighborhood, the other living in luxury in a modern architectural marvel overlooking the city—become entwined in a dangerous relationship that will lay bare the dark contradictions of capitalism with shocking ferocity. A bravura showcase for its director’s meticulously constructed set pieces, bolstered by a brilliant ensemble cast and stunning production design, Parasite cemented the New Korean Cinema as an undeniable international force when it swept almost every major prize from Cannes to the Academy Awards, where it made history as the first non-English-language film to win Best Picture.
The competition to be named the Roxy community's most beloved film of 2019 was truly fierce. Korean auteur Bong Joon-ho's masterpiece beat out Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, the Safdies' Uncut Gems, and Celine Schiamma's Portrait of a Lady on Fire to take the top spot. That's no surprise--it's both a note-perfect satirical thriller and the Roxy's most successful international film to date, inspiring hundreds of delighted conversations in our lobby.
Sponsored by Clyde Coffee!