Persistence of Vision: Animated Masterworks is the Roxy's monthly celebration of classic and contemporary animation masterpieces, made by legendary artists for an adult audience.

Animator and mystic Stefan Gruber is on tour premiering their new film Boiler Room Mystics: a true tale of high school times when they would sneak into the custodians quarters to learn all about the mystic arts from the head janitor. All hand drawn with colored pencils and markers. (20 mins)

Museums, libraries and theaters with digital projection, sound systems and a great way to get the word out are the ideal venues.

Stefan also travels with a projector and sound system and is at home anywhere where a blank wall or sheet can be projected onto, and a small gathering of people can commune together. Their films often lead to discussions and elevated idea exchanges.

Along with this main feature, Stefan’s catalogue is presented with a menu of offerings that the audience can choose, including award winning audience favorites Duck Lessons, Anaelle, Psychic Portraits, and Both Worlds.

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Director: Stefan Gruber
Duration: 90 min
New Films by Stefan Gruber