IWFF Best Of Screening
Lion: The Rise and Fall of the Marsh Pride
Sponsored by:
Pepsi-Cola of Missoula
Pepsi-Cola of Missoula
Winner of the 2023 Best Animal Behavior Award
Documented over the last 30 years by the BBC and other broadcasters around the world, this is the most extensively filmed pride of lions on Earth. The film spans decades, witnessing the lions' battle for survival in Kenya's famous Maasai Mara Reserve. This cinematic film is told entirely without narration, flawlessly edited, and underpinned by a stunning score by Samuel Sim. (90 minutes)
Sponsored by Pepsi-Cola
Director: Pamela Gordon
Producer: Jo Shinner, Kirsty Cunningham, Ceri Hubbard, Jonathan Skuseu
Duration: 90 min
Country: UK