IWFF Feature
Canada: Surviving the Wild North
Sponsored by:
National Wildlife Federation
National Wildlife Federation
Canada is a vast country, covering almost ten million square kilometers. It has the largest intact forest on the planet, more than two million lakes and rivers and the longest coastline on Earth. This wild landscape is home to some of the world’s most astonishing wildlife: polar bears, Arctic foxes, semipalmated sandpipers, coastal wolves, Pacific salmon, Canada lynx, southern flying squirrels, great grey owls, caribou, and harp seals.
Followed by an education presentation by Naomi Alhadeff of the National Wildlife Federation!
Followed by an education presentation by Naomi Alhadeff of the National Wildlife Federation!
Producer: Patrick Morris, Verity White, Martin Mészáros, Sabine Holzer
Duration: 50 min
Country: Austria
IWFF Feature
Canada: Surviving the Wild North